Don’t let all the research deter you from making a decision. Instead, look into the above points by seeking out pre roll machine reviews. Find out what’s working for others and what isn’t.
The first place to look is the current customers of the machine(s) you’re considering. Ask the sales team if they have active customers they can refer you to so you can speak with them directly.
The next place to look is case studies. These are helpful because they show you where the business was before it went automated. For example, check out this case study of Mississippi’s Southern Crop. One year after incorporating the Blackbird into their operation, pre rolls now make up 20% of their sales and they’ve won Best in Class in Pre-Rolls in the Magnolia Cup, a contest based on the votes of local consumers. You’ll see in the case study there was a massive learning curve for their team, but RollPros stepped up and helped them every step of the way.
Every automatic pre roll machine you consider should have customers they can refer you to for firsthand information, but not everyone will have case studies to share. You can also explore cannabis-friendly platforms like Reddit and LinkedIn to see if others have posted about the machine.