Numbers Don’t Lie:
Your Customers Want
Infused Pre-Rolls

Between market saturation, continuous employee turnover, constant battles with local, state and federal authorities, compliance regulations, losing harvests after failing those compliance regulations, and 280e, it’s hard out here for a cannabis business.

But you’re still here, day in and day out, because you’re passionate, and you want to share your passion with an increasingly curious (and increasingly desperate for a good high) world. And you want to make money.

Maybe you’ve maxed out your share of the flower market in your state. Or maybe your state’s consumers are evolving and becoming more curious about consumption methods outside of a bowl hit or a bong rip. Either way, you’re curious about a new revenue stream for your cannabis brand.

Well, have we got just the stream for you.

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Let’s talk infused pre-rolls. And numbers.

Infused Pre-Rolls Are Rapidly Gaining Market Share

A recent article by Cannabis Business Times explored the markets tracked by BDSA, a leader in global cannabis data tracking and analytics, and reported that, in those markets, infused pre-rolls made up 4% of all cannabis sales in Q4 of 2022. They also comprised 35% of all pre-roll sales in Q1 of 2023, more than doubling their pre-roll market share from Q1 of 2020.[1]

Headset, another top data analytics company in cannabis, published their own report this year confirming that infused pre-rolls are in the top three highest-growing market segments in the US and the number one highest-growing market segment in Canada.[2]

We gathered our own infused pre-roll data with BDSA, exploring four distinct segments of the US cannabis market. The numbers don’t lie—demand for infused pre-rolls is growing. Find the region nearest yours below and take a look at the data.

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Out West:

Oregon’s Infused Pre-Roll Market

In Q4 of 2022, nearly a quarter of Oregon’s pre-roll market sales was held by infused pre-rolls, coming in at 22%. Oregon’s cannabis market faced a slight overall decline between Q3 and Q4 of 2022 (down 5% in revenue); however, it still brought in a whopping $26.5 million.

A 1.5g infused pre-roll was in the top 5 products sold in the pre-roll category, not beat out by other lone pre-rolls but by conveniently packaged multi-packs. We’re inclined to believe that convenience is what led to the multi-packs’ share of the top 5 products because all of the singles in the top 20 products by revenue were infused pre-rolls. Every. Single. One.

Read more about Oregon’s pre-roll market here.

The Midwest:

Missouri’s Infused Pre-Roll Market

Missouri’s data is not quite comparable to our other market deep dives because they only just opened for recreational sales in February of 2023. Still, despite the short time frame, infused pre-rolls already make up almost 10% of their pre-roll market.

Between December 2022 and February 2023, with February being the only adult-use month in that timeframe and December-January being medical only, infused pre-rolls brought in $260,760 in sales—only 2.3% of all pre-roll sales.

Cut to March 2023-May 2023, when Missouri was a fully recreational state, and infused pre-roll sales jumped to $2,583,690—over 9% of all pre-roll sales. We can’t wait to see what a full year of adult-use sales in Missouri will show us about the demand for infused pre-rolls, though we have an idea of what it’ll be.

We’re compiling the rest of our Missouri data now. Click here to be alerted once it’s published.

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The Great Lakes Region:

Michigan’s Infused Pre-Roll Market

From Q4 2022 to Q1 2023, we noticed a shift in Michigan consumers’ focus. Infused pre-roll sales jumped 10.3%, while sales of regular pre-rolls declined 10.3%.

This shift led to infused pre-rolls taking up 40% of pre-roll sales. You read that right—40%.

Not to mention, local brands make up nearly a quarter of the overall pre-roll market. Michigan consumers can see past the Jeeter trend. There’s room for your brand here.

Read more about Michigan’s pre-roll market here.

East Coast:

Massachusetts’ Infused Pre-Roll Market

The shift in focus from regular pre-rolls to infused pre-rolls holds true on the east side of the country too.

In Massachusetts, pre-roll sales declined slightly between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. From November 2022 to 2023, pre-rolls brought in $61,214,272. From February-April 2023, pre-roll sales dropped to $60,399,363.

On the other hand, when looking at the same timeframes, infused pre-roll sales jumped from $5,914,162 to $8,371,855.

These numbers also show that infused pre-rolls take up 12% of the pre-roll market, and they’re on track to take up more.

Read more about Massachusetts’ pre-roll market here.

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The Bottom Line

Infused pre-roll sales are growing across the country, as is consumer interest in them. But in increasingly saturated markets—ones that are only going to get heavier with federal legalization (or at least descheduling/decriminalization)—the only brands with any chance of leveraging this trend will have one thing in common: quality. If your infused pre-roll isn’t quality, it won’t last, because the product next to yours on the shelf will be.

To guarantee a quality infused pre-roll, you need high standards not only for your flower, paper, and concentrate but also for your packing process.

RollPros’ automated pre-roll machine, Blackbird, is the only machine on the market to mimic the hand-roll process.

We don’t stuff; we roll. And we can roll infused pre-rolls too. That’s how you guarantee a quality infused pre-roll.  Let us show you what we can do.