The Most Innovative Product recognizes partners that push boundaries within the pre-roll category. It could be something we haven’t seen before, or something that’s gone beyond what most operators thought was possible. While this category will largely focus on infused pre-rolls, it doesn’t exclude those that have differentiated their products with their paper, flower, tips, packaging, or other unique innovations.
1,000,000 joints rolled
3,000,000 joints rolled
5,000,000 joints rolled
If you have questions about the RollPros Rollies, please contact
Brand Excellence
1st Place – Sira Naturals/Ayr Wellness
Best Team/Operator
1st place – Grasshopper Farms
Most Innovative Product
1st place – Raw Gardens, Solventless Live Hash Infused Joints
Best Team/Operator
1st place – Groove Solventless
Most Innovative Product
1st place – El Blunto